Launch Your Kindle eBook in 60 Minutes With Kindle Direct

Launch Your Kindle eBook in 60 Minutes With Kindle Direct

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Course Description

In case you’re searching for an educator to wow you with stories of his prosperity as a creator on Amazon Kindle, and a course that will depict to all of you the delights and monetary advantages of being a distributed creator, then I’m apprehensive you’re at the wrong place.

This course is around one thing and one thing just – showing you how to get your eBook distributed on Amazon Kindle inside of the following a hour. Here’s the means by which we will be achieving that objective:

You’ll be given a speedy presentation on beginning with Kindle, and after that we’ll be jumping straight into the procedure of getting your eBook prepared for production. We’ve separated the whole process into three simple steps:

Designing Your eBook

Making Your Cover

Presenting Your eBook for Publication

After you have finished this procedure, we have then likewise given all of you the instruments and assets you should effectively advance and market your eBook to create greatest benefits.

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