Wilderness Survival : Survival, Prepping and Preparedness

Wilderness Survival  Survival, Prepping and Preparedness

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Course Description

*****Learn a Non-Violent Non Weaponry Approach to Survival (Reflective of the Updated Udemy Trust and Safety Policy e.g Restricted “Points”)

Most recent: Course Updated Again for Feb 2016

Your Family Isn’t Ready For A Terrorist Attack, Hurricane, Flood, or Tornado ! Will They Survive ? On the off chance that The Government Collapsed Tomorrow Can You Feed and Protect Them?

Will They Die Because You Can’t Even Survive 48 Hours all alone ?

Survival and survival preparing are getting a charge out of a restored ubiquity on account of all the pseudo unscripted tv demonstrates skimming around on the wireless transmissions and advanced universe. Numerous individuals are starting to ponder again regardless of whether they have what it takes to make due in the wild or deserts or in a urban domain amid the man-made or regular fiasco. In any case, as opposed to prevalent thinking the demonstration of survival is in no way such as what is delineated on TV or in films. While it is conceivable to produce fire by rubbing adheres together to make contact even the most experienced survivalists can’t get it going in 3 seconds level in a snowstorm beginning a flame with erosion takes an incredible measure of tolerance and hone and an ability to make due above everything else. 30 Day 100% Risk Free Offer!

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